1 January 2007

2006, Goodbye and Thank You

I've almost finished calculating my 2006 gains. They seem to be about £102,800 net*, that is, 28.3% against the FTSE All Share 15.?% for 2006. This is more than satisfactory. The year ended rather slowly with several company results being unhelpful (SCS Upholstery - where has the double-digit growth gone? - I've halved my holding; MSI International). My largest holdings going in to 2007 are:

Highway Insurance (HWY - Nonlife Insurance)
Coffee Republic (CFE - Coffee Bars)
Soco International (SIA - Oil Exploration)
Character (CCT - Toys)
I have also increased holding of Asian investment trusts in the second half of 2006 .... to nearly 5% of my portfolio. I may increase that shortly. Also, if I can overcome my inertia, I will purchase a put-option on the FTSE to serve as insurance against a fall in the markets.

* In Gordon Brown's high(and getting higher)-tax Britain that's the approximate equivalent of a £160,000 gross salary. And I feel better for not giving that greedy so-and-so £50,000+ to waste on hopeless socialist and harmful politically correct causes. There seems to be very little to show, apart from rather-well-off doctors and lots more fatter kids and young people, for all the extra public expenditure.

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